Cognits, Rhythms, & Memories

source Moving away from the hippocampus to straightup networks, the other theme of this blog, I’m deciding to do a post of a general overview on cortical networks and memory in general. After reading Olaf Sporn’s Networks of the Brain, which I recommend, and re-reading a review article on memory and ‘the cognit’ (large neocortical networksContinue reading “Cognits, Rhythms, & Memories”

Qualia & Behavior: A Rambling

Qualia: the property or characteristic experienced by a person.By definition, qualia is personal(source) This post was inspired by me watching rats in a behavioral task (testing for 9+ hours a day makes you think of some interesting things!) at lab. As a kid, I remember asking my mom if she sees the same colors as I do (notContinue reading “Qualia & Behavior: A Rambling”

Face Processing: Connecting the Nodes Across the Brain

Since I have rather tended to focus on the hippocampus, I’ve decided to diverge a bit into the neural connectivity of face processing* — after all, this blog is mainly about neural connectivity, not only within a region but between multiple regions, as well. Angry face of a female intending to seriously hurt or scareContinue reading “Face Processing: Connecting the Nodes Across the Brain”

From Cognition to Behavior: The Intermediate Zone

How are our cognitive processes integrated together to produce a seemingly flawless behavior/motor output? In short, the ‘Perception-Action Cycle,’ proposed by Joaquin M. Fuster (Fuster, 1990) tries to link the two distinct neural processes into a coherent sum via what he terms a ‘cognit’ (resembles a cell assembly but is distinctly dedicated to cortical linking). This perception-actionContinue reading “From Cognition to Behavior: The Intermediate Zone”

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